It's important to note that societal trends and preferences can change over time, and my knowledge is based solely on my individual opinion or experience and is not a model for a matter of fact surrounding the art of walkin. Walkin is still a popular form of dance, particularly in Chicago. However, walkin is often associated with intimate and romantic moments, which may often be reasons for contemporary dancers caution about embracing it from a social perspective.
If you have observed a decline in the practice of walkin, it could be due to a variety of factors specific to its current context or environment oppose to its past. It's always important to remember that cultural practices can change throughout different communities and time periods specific to location, location, location.
Certainly! In recent years, there has been changes with various styles of dancing, particularly with walkin in what is known as the Steppin commnunity. This shift in dance could be attributed to several factors:
Influence of Popular Music: Contemporary popular music often emphasizes faster tempos and energetic beats, which include upbeat and energetic music like hip-hop, Neo-Soul, Jazz, or more contemporary compositions.This shift in music trends has impacted the types of dances that people embrace.
Evolution of Dance Culture: Dance styles evolved, influenced by various factors such as music, fashion, and social media. People are often drawn to innovative dance styles and routines to more energetic forms that offer more popularity and appeal to the masses through social media.These trends shaped the way people approach dancing and often redirect attention away from slower, or more traditional styles, for example walkin.
Social Dynamics: The social constructs and dynamics surrounding dancing can play a role with what is accepted, embraced or established as the norm. Some individuals may feel more comfortable or confident engaging in faster-paced dances that allow for more dynamic movements or group interactions than what is perceived as an individual or intimate approach. Walkin like slow dancing is often perceived as intimate or reserved, and some individuals may prefer other dance styles that provide more group engagement as a collective.
Personal Preferences: Dance is a highly individual form of expression. People have their preferences, and some individuals may simply prefer faster-paced dances or styles that compliment their personal taste, energy level, or desired level of physical exertion.
Lastly, Because Steppin and the high energy music and routines that accompany it in promotions and instructions are what most contemporary dancers are familiar with or were introduce to aside from walkin the past two or three decades.

It's important to remember that the popularity of walkin diminished in some contexts on the national or commercial platforms surrounding Steppin, it is still valued, enjoyed, honored, and appreciated by many people in Chicago where the origin of Walkin, Boppin, and Steppin remain quite prevalent.
The bottom line is dance preferences, styles, and routines can vary greatly depending on the cultural, social, time, place and personal factors at play. This must be taken into serious consideration when questioning why many contemporary dancers, especially those not familiar with Chicago’s dance culture, are not embracing the art of walking.
In conclusion, walkin like Steppin will eventually be embraced, understood, and appreciated depending upon future teachings, instructions, packaging, promotions, and examples of walkin from those most experienced with its historic value and performance.